Scholarship for Finishing Ph.D. Students (BFED)
Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Montreal, CAD 8,400
Jacques-Rousseau Travel Scholarship
Plant Biology Research Institute, University of Montreal, CAD 1,500
Travel Scholarship (Bourse d'appui à la diffusion des résultats de recherche)
Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Montreal, CAD 500
Honorable mention for a student oral presentation
CSPB Eastern Regional Meeting
Ph.D. Scholarship from the Government of Québec
Government of Québec (Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Nature et Technologies), CAD 13,333
MITACS Globalink Award – JSPS Summer Program
MITACS / Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, JPY 534,000
Best Graduate Student Poster Award
Frontiers in Plant Reproduction Biology, Plant Reproduction 2016 Conference, USD 300
Jacques-Rousseau Travel Scholarship
Plant Biology Research Institute, University of Montreal, CAD 1,500
PARSECS Travel Subvention
FAÉCUM, University of Montreal, CAD 400
Catherine-Frédette Excellence Scholarship in Biological Sciences and Neurology
Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Montreal, CAD 5,000
FBSB Ph.D. Scholarship from the Dept. of Biological Sciences
University of Montreal, CAD 1,500
President's Award for the Best Student Oral Presentation
Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB), Botany 2015 Conference, CAD 500
Best Student Poster Award
Compute Canada, High Performance Computing Symposium HPCS 2015, CAD 500
G.-H. Duff Travel Scholarship
Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB), CAD 340
Jacques-Rousseau Travel Scholarship
Plant Biology Research Institute, University of Montreal, CAD 770
Excellence Scholarship from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
University of Montreal, CAD 3,000
Pehr-Kalm Scholarship
Montreal Botanical Garden, CAD 2,000
Travel Scholarship for International Interns
Government of Quebec (FRQNT) – Centre SÈVE, CAD 3,815
Jacques-Rousseau Travel Scholarship
Plant Biology Research Institute, University of Montreal, CAD 1,760
Marie-Victorin Excellence Scholarship
Plant Biology Research Institute, University of Montreal, CAD 3,000
Best Oral Presentation Award
Journées du Centre SÈVE, CAD 300
Jacques-Rousseau Travel Scholarship
Plant Biology Research Institute, University of Montreal, CAD 850
Best Oral Presentation Award
Symposium of Biological Sciences, University of Montreal, CAD 100
FBSB M.Sc. Scholarship from the Dept. of Biological Sciences
University of Montreal, CAD 1,200
Scholarship for Accelerated M.Sc.-to-Ph.D. Transition
Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Montreal, CAD 14,000
Travel Scholarship for Student Exchange in Canada
French Ministry of Research (CROUS), EUR 1,600
PIL Excellence Scholarship for Student Exchange in Canada
Pierre & Marie Curie University (Paris VI), EUR 1,500
AMIÉ Travel Scholarship for Student Exchange in Canada
French Regional Authority (Conseil régional), EUR 2,800
Campus'Trotter Scholarship for Student Exchange in Canada
French Local Authority (Conseil général), EUR 700
Best B.Sc. Student in the Dept. of Biology after the June 2010 final exams
Pierre & Marie Curie University (Paris VI)
Excellence Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies
French Ministry of Research (CROUS), EUR 5,400